Yoga Therapy Services

Yoga for Physical and Mental Conditions
Yoga can increase flexibility, fitness and endurance and can create a healthy life style and could complement other forms of treatment for people with back pain, heart conditions, asthma, chronic fatigue, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, cancer or side effects of chemotherapy, and more.
Yoga for Osteoporosis
Yoga offers low impact movements, that don’t add strain when doing it and makes it a perfect exercise for anyone suffering from low density. Yoga can increase bone strength, because is a stress-bearing activity that provides signals to the bone cells to stimulate and increase bone cell production.
Yoga for Neuroplasticity
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s potential to create neural pathways and reorganize itself according to how it’s being used—or not being used. The same areas and structures of the brain that are active in cognitive function are also active during movement. While you’re practicing yoga, you are training the brain to think, perceive and feel in different ways.
Chair Yoga
Chair Yoga is a specific form of yoga as therapy developed by Lakshmi Voelker-Binder in 1982, practiced sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair for support. The poses are often adaptations of asanas in modern yoga as exercise.
Yoga for better aligment and posture
Yoga does so much more than increase your flexibility – it can also improve your posture, preventing from number of negative health consequences and relieving back and neck pain.

Yoga for Anxiety, Insomnia or Depression
Yoga eases symptoms of anxiety and stress through direct benefits to both the body and mind. On a physical level, yoga helps induce a relaxation response and reduce heart rate; on a psychological level, mindfulness promotes a focus on the present moment, guiding thoughts away from anxiety or worry about future events. Yoga can help with sleep process. It is linked to improved sleep quality, reduced feelings of fatigue, reduced frequency of use of sleep medication, and an improved sense of quality of life. Reducing, allows your central nervous system to close down.

Yoga for Parkinson's Disease
Yoga has a positive impact on motor function in people with Parkinson Disease. Yoga therapy may improve aspects of neurological and physiological functions, in stages 1-2 PD, as well as improves depression, fatigue, well-being and Quality of life for people with chronic disease.

Vinyasa Yoga, Restorative, Yin Yoga and Ashtanga
I can offer different yoga styles to suit a variety of conditions, levels and mindset. Small group or One on one sessions are available.

Yoga via Zoom
To access Online Yoga Zoom Classes please contact me by email. You will then be sent a link to the class to your email address provided. Make sure you have enough space at home for your yoga mat and get ready to do the class.

Mala Necklace WorkShop
What is a Mala? What is it used for? How many beads make a traditional Mala? Why do Malas have a different bead in the middle? Are they ornaments?. Learn this and more while you make your own Mala!!! You get to keep the Mala you make, and the materials are included in the price.
Contact me

Clases disponibles en espaÑol
Located in Denver (CO) - USA
+1 (786) 470 42 35
Monday to Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Saturday and Sunday: by appointment